Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Concepts Of Object-Oriented Programming

Oop which is stands for Object Oriented Programming. This Programming Language (OOP) utilize a various set of programming languages after that old concept programming languages (C, Pascal, etc.). Everything in OOP language  is grouped as self sustainable "objects". Hence, you get  re-usability by means of four main Oop concepts.Below are some object oriented programming ways :


Object which is characteristic  of the class and is answerable for memory  quota  of its data members and member acts .An object is a genuine  world entity holding  attributes (data type) and actions (functions).

An object can be planned  a "thing" that can play a set of relevant enterprises. The bunch of activities that the object acts describes  the object manner. For instance, the hand can clutch existence or a Student (object) can give the name or address


Class is a structure of  that includes data members (events , constants files), member function  constructor, destructor, indexers and brooded type.


Encapsulation is a apparatus of binding the data member & member function into a single group recognized  as class.Encapsulation  gives a root  for abstraction and  in OOP  concept the encapsulation is primarily attained  by generating  classes, the classes uncover public methods and properties  and  the class is type  of a casket  or capsule or a cell, which encapsulate the group of methods, attribute and properties to allocate its indented features  to other classes.

Data abstraction

Data abstraction is a mechanism to allocate the necessary  functions without explaining  the background information . Means s give the works  to approach the hidden (private) data.
The significance of generalization  is acquired from its skill  to hide inapplicable information and from the use of names to citation objects. Abstraction is necessary  in the organization of programs. It sets the accent  on what an object is or does instead  how it is delineated  or how it works. Therefore, it is the basic means of handling  intricacy in large programs.

Data Hiding

Data hiding is a mechanism to conceal the inner framework of an object from rest of the program. Data hiding is also a root  to carry out data abstraction.


The exact meaning of Polymorphism one thing in many form. Primarily  polymorphism is skill of one object to behave in compound ways. For instance : A man role varies at home, college, and outside the home. Types of polymorphism :

  1.      Static polymorphism(compile time): It is executed utilizing function overloading and operator overloading.
  2.     Dynamic polymorphism(runtime time): Function overriding means using virtual function.


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